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Saturday 26 March 2011

Why is Trashy TV Such a Must-Watch?

Being a uni student, I often find that I have a lot of free time on my hands which obviously leads to a lot of facebooking, tweeting and exploring all that iplayer, ITV player and 4OD has to offer. Most recently I have been drawn into the long standing Channel 4 sensation that is Coach Trip.

For those of you that don't watch it, Coach Trip is a reality tv programme in which a group of fourteen tourists, in couples, travel around parts of the world in a coach. On face value this sounds like an awful show, which was my initial opinion; but thanks to my housemate I was encouraged to sit down and watch an episode. I am almost ashamed to say that I was instantly hooked. Each day these tourists did two activities ranging from the entertaining to the relaxing and occasionally the boring. However, this was not the best part of the show. Undoubtedly this was when the couples had to vote. Just like Big Brother, the couples have to vote off the who they don't get on with, which throws up some excellent viewing. The bitching and arguing is on many occassions fantastic to watch!

There is another main reason to watch this brilliant show: Brendan (the international tourguide). He is the man with a plan that organises the days activities and officiates them if they are competitions (which they often are). As a judge he is very questionable, but as a tourguide he is the best in the TV business. Always asking probing questions, he is often the sole entertainment on a sometimes lacklustre coach of tired tourists. Many of the best bits of the latest series centre around Brendan and his intimate interviews describing the tourists that he has to endure. Even if the passengers are dull duds, you can always count on the camp Yorkshireman to provide some entertainment.

This is a programme that should not entertain me, yet it does. Why is this? I still can't quite put my finger on it, or other programmes that hold my attention for no apparent reason, so until then I suppose I'll just have to keep watching.

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